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  • v.

    (用建议、指示、有益的情报等)指导( direct的现在分词 );导演(戏剧或电影);指示方向;把…对准(某方向或某人)

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 指示方向,指引 tell or show (sb) how to do sth, how to get somewhere
    2. vt. & vi. 指导,导演,管理 give orders and in this way manage; be in charge of the way sth is done
    3. vt. 在…上写姓名和地址 address (a letter, parcel, etc.)
    1. 直的,笔直的,径直的 straight, not curved or crooked, not turn aside
    2. 直接的,直系的 with nothing or no one in between, immediate
    3. 率直的,坦率的,坦白的 straightforward, frank
    4. [A]恰好的,完全的 exact, complete
    1. 径直地,笔直地 without interrupting a journey; using a straight route
    2. 直接地,亲自地 with no one in between; personally



    • adj.showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on

      "felt his mother's directing arm around him"




    用作动词 (v.)
    • direct downward朝下看
    • direct heavenward朝上看
    • direct well指引得很好
    • direct brilliantly英明地指导
    • direct calmly冷静地指导
    • direct dangerously危险地指导
    • direct generally普通地指引
    • direct hurriedly急切地指导
    • direct independently独立地指导
    • direct intelligently英明地指导
    • direct properly指导得当
    • direct uniformly统一地指导
    • direct victoriously成功地指导
    • direct wisely指导英明
    • direct wrongly指错了方向
    • direct against把…对准,针对…
    • direct attacks against把进攻的目标对准…
    • direct against fort对准堡垒
    • direct a gun against把枪对准…
    • direct at把…对准,对…讲〔写〕
    • direct remarks at把话针对…说
    • direct by出于
    • direct to给…指路,对…讲〔写〕
    • direct a letter to把信寄至…
    • direct to sb's address指向某人的地址
    • direct to the post office指去邮局的路
    • direct toward向…指导,指向…
    • direct efforts towards努力是为了…
    • direct steps towards朝…走去
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • direct action直接行动
    • direct answer直截了当的回答
    • direct contact直接的联系
    • direct election直接选举
    • direct road最近的路
    • direct way最近的路,直截了当的方式
    用作副词 (adv.)
    • come direct直接来
    • deal with direct亲自处理
    • drive direct直接开车去
    • fly direct直接地飞
    • go direct直接去
    • lead direct直接通向
    • report direct直接汇报
    • take from direct从…中提取
    • write direct直接写信


    direct investment[经]直接投资

    direct current直流;[电]直流电

    foreign direct investment n. 外国直接投资,对外直接投资

    direct effect直接效应

    direct influence直接影响

    direct contact直接接触

    direct access[计]直接存取

    direct marketing直接行销

    direct relation直接联系

    direct selling 直接销售(等于direct marketing)

    direct sunlight直射阳光

    direct control直接控制;直接管制

    direct relationship直系亲属关系

    direct connection直接连接

    direct proportion n. 正比;正比例

    direct drive直接驱动;直接传动

    direct action直接行动;直接作用

    direct bearing导向轴承

    direct manipulation直接操作,直接操纵

    direct injection直接喷射;直接注入;直接射出法



    1. I' m in direct contact with the hijackers.
    2. Keep product away from direct sunlight and store in a dry cool place.
    3. He is very direct, so you always know what his real views are.
      他为人很直率, 所以你总能知道他的真实想法。
    1. The guide directed our attention to the other picture.
    2. He directed the building of the new bridge.
    3. I asked a little girl to direct me to the bus stop.
    4. The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.


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