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  • n.

    高温( heat的名词复数 );压力;(身体的)热度;激动

  • v.

    (使)热( heat的第三人称单数 );使激动;激发;使兴奋

  • 双语释义

    1. [U]高温,炎热 high temperature; hotness
    2. [U]激动,热烈,激烈 a state of excitement
    3. [C]预赛 preliminary contest, the winners of which take part in further contests or the final
    1. vt. & vi. (使)热 make or become hot
    2. vt. 使激动,激发 cause to be excited; arouse



    • n.
      • a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature

        同义词:heat energy

      • the presence of heat

        同义词:hotnesshigh temperature

      • the sensation caused by heat energy


      • the trait of being intensely emotional


      • applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity


      • a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
      • utility to warm a building

        "the heating system wasn't working"; "they have radiant heating"

        同义词:heating systemheating plantheating

    • v.
      • make hot or hotter

        "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove"

        同义词:heat up

      • provide with heat

        "heat the house"

      • arouse or excite feelings and passions

        同义词:inflamestir upwakeignitefire up

      • gain heat or get hot

        "The room heated up quickly"

        同义词:hot upheat up



    用作名词 (n.)
    • absorb heat吸收热量
    • alleviate the heat降低热度
    • bear the heat忍受暑热
    • escape the heat避暑
    • get away from the heat避暑
    • get into a white heat白热化
    • give off heat发出热
    • glow with heat因热而发光
    • keep off the heat避开热气
    • melt with heat因热而熔化
    • preserve body heat保持体温
    • produce heat产生热
    • relieve the heat of the fever退烧
    • run a dead heat赛跑不分胜负
    • say without heat心平气和地说
    • speak with heat讲话激昂
    • stand heat受得了热
    • suffer from the heat受炎热之苦
    • put the heat on sb对某人施加压力
    • take the heat off解除压力
    • turn off the heat关闭暖气
    • turn on the heat开暖气
    • turn the heat on sb对某人施加压力
    • withstand extreme heat经受住酷热
    • blistering heat灼热
    • dry heat干热
    • electric heat电供暖
    • gas heat煤气供暖
    • glowing heat白热
    • intense heat酷热
    • intolerable heat难以忍受的炎热
    • nuclear heat核热能
    • radiant heat辐射热
    • red heat赤热,炽热
    • solar heat太阳热能
    • stifling heat闷热
    • sweltering heat酷热
    • white heat白热
    • animal heat体温
    • blood heat血液的温度
    • body heat体温
    • fever heat高烧,狂热
    • steam heat气暖
    • at a single heat一口气
    • at low heat以低热度
    • in〔on〕 heat(雌性哺乳动物)处于交尾期或发情期
    • in a heat在发怒
    • in the heat of the moment一时激动之下
    • heat of the day白天最炎热的时刻
    用作动词 (v.)
    • heat sb's imagination激发某人的想象力
    • heat some water烧一些热水
    • heat automatically自动加热
    • heat beneficially有利地激发
    • heat comfortably适当地加热
    • heat destructively破坏性地诱发
    • heat excessively加热过度
    • heat fiercely加强热
    • heat intensely强烈地激发
    • heat oppressively难以忍受地激发
    • heat properly适当地加热
    • heat slowly慢慢地加热
    • heat up将…加热,变得活跃〔激烈〕
    • heat up inflation加剧了通货膨胀
    • heat up the cold meat将凉肉热一热
    • be heated at被加热到…度
    • heat sb into anger使某人发怒
    • heat to把…加热到…度
    • heat with charcoal用炭火加热
    • heat with passion情绪激动


    heat transfer热传递,传热

    heat treatment热处理

    heat exchanger热交换器

    heat pump热泵,蒸汽泵

    heat exchange热传导

    heat conduction热传导

    heat resistance[物]耐热性

    heat preservation保温

    heat source热源

    waste heat余热;废热

    heat insulation绝热

    heat transfer coefficient[化]传热系数

    heat flux热流,热通量

    high heat[热力]高热量

    heat energy热能

    heat pipe热管;热导管

    heat up加热

    heat recovery热回收

    heat loss热损失,热损耗

    heat balance热平衡;热量衡算



    1. Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.
    2. I can't walk about in this heat.
    3. Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.
    4. So desert should take heat with cereus.
    5. In the heat of the argument, Mr. Rogers lost his self-control.
    6. This will relieve the heat of the fever.
    7. When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat.
    1. We'll heat some water to wash clothes.
    2. Just heat up the food in the microwave.
    3. That were remarks made in the heat of the moment.
    4. I spoke with a little heat, thinking of the bloody dirk he had hidden in his pocket, and designed, in his ill thoughts, to end me with.


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