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  • 释义

    [人名] [苏格兰人、诺森伯兰人姓氏] 劳德住所名称,可能来源于布列塔尼地区语言,含义是“沟,渠”(trench,ditch);[地名] [加拿大、英国] 劳德;

  • 英英释义

    Lauder[ 'lɔ:də ]

    • n.
      • Scottish ballad singer and music hall comedian (1870-1950)

        同义词:Harry LauderSir Harry MacLennan Lauder

      • someone who communicates high praise




    estee lauder雅诗兰黛


    1. D'Amato put up an unqualified candidate against Giuliani in the Republican primary, millionaire Ronald Lauder, solely for the purpose of using Lauder as a conduit for throwing mud at Giuliani in the hope that some of it would stick.


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