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  • n.

    国家( state的名词复数 );州;[the states][口语]美国;心态

  • v.

    规定( state的第三人称单数 );陈述;确定;[法律]详述(案情等)

  • 双语释义

    1. [C] 状态,状况 a condition in which a person or thing is; a particular way of being, feeling, or thinking considered with regard to its most important or noticeable quality
    2. [C] 国家,政府 the government or political organization of a country
    3. [C] 州; 邦 any of the smaller partly self-governing areas making up certain nations
    4. [U] 盛礼; 隆重的仪式 the grandness and ceremony connected with governments and rulers
    1. vt. 陈述 say; express
    2. vt. 规定 set in advance



    • n.
      • the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state

        "the state has lowered its income tax"

      • the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation

        "his state is in the deep south"


      • a politically organized body of people under a single government

        "the state has elected a new president"

        同义词:nationcountrylandcommonwealthres publicabody politic

      • the way something is with respect to its main attributes

        "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"

      • the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies

        同义词:Department of StateUnited States Department of StateState DepartmentDoS

      • the territory occupied by a nation


      • a state of depression or agitation

        "he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him"

      • (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)

        "the solid state of water is called ice"

        同义词:state of matter

    • v.
      • express in words

        "state your opinion"; "state your name"


      • put before

        同义词:submitput forwardposit

      • indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.




    用作名词 (n.)
    • alter the state of sth改变某物的状态
    • bring about a state of造成…的状态
    • create a state of造成…的状态
    • end a state of结束…的状态
    • get into a state激动,担忧
    • keep one's state维持尊严
    • reach a state of达到…的状态
    • resume a state of恢复…的状态
    • defend a state保卫国家
    • destroy a state破坏一个国家
    • found a state建立一个国家
    • lead a state领导一个国家
    • threaten a state威胁一个国家
    • actual state实际状况
    • dangerous state危急状态
    • good state良好状态
    • mental state精神状态
    • nervous state紧张状态
    • poor state糟糕情况
    • present state现况
    • solid state固态
    • unconscious state失去知觉
    • aggressive state侵略性的国家
    • big state大国
    • client state附庸国
    • dry state禁酒州
    • fascist state法西斯国家
    • free state(美国内战时期禁用奴隶的)自由州
    • friendly state友好国家
    • independent state独立国
    • pacific state爱好和平的国家
    • revolutionary state革命的国家
    • small state小国
    • socialist state社会主义国家
    • sovereign state主权国家
    • strong state强大的国家
    • world state of affairs世界状况
    • enemy state敌国
    • member states成员国
    • police state警察国家
    • satellite states卫星国
    • slave state蓄奴州
    • welfare state福利国家
    • state land国有土地
    • state secret国家机密
    • in state隆重地,庄严地
    • in a state处于某一状态
    • in a highly nervous state处于极度紧张状态
    • arrive in great state威风凛凛地到达
    • the Department of S-〈美〉国务院
    • the Secretary of S-〈美〉国务卿,〈英〉国务大臣
    • state of disorder紊乱状态
    • state of health健康状况
    • state of mind精神状态
    • state of nature自然状态
    • state of repair维修状况
    • state of the art技艺发展水平
    用作动词 (v.)
    • state a case陈述案件
    • state a price规定价格
    • state one's name and dress注明姓名和地址
    • state one's opinion陈述观点
    • state one's view陈述观点
    • state one's wishes表达愿望
    • state the exact time of arrival说明抵达的确切时间
    • state abruptly突然陈述
    • state authoritatively权威地陈述
    • state broadly概括地陈述
    • state concisely简明地陈述
    • state constantly不断地陈述
    • state dangerously危险地陈述
    • state impatiently不耐烦地陈述
    • state emphatically强调地陈述
    • state exactly确切地陈述
    • state intelligently英明地陈述
    • state metaphorically比喻地陈述
    • state officially官方地陈述
    • state overwhelmingly过分地陈述
    • state parenthetically作为插入语地陈述
    • state peacefully平静地陈述
    • state positively肯定地陈述
    • state principally主要地陈述
    • state satisfactorily令人满意地陈述
    • state solemnly严肃地陈述
    • state specifically详细地陈述
    • state successfully成功地陈述
    • state succinctly简明地陈述
    • state tersely简短地陈述
    • state thoroughly详尽地陈述
    • state tranquilly平静地陈述
    • state unnecessarily不必要地陈述
    • state unreasonably缺乏理智地陈述
    • state unsuccessfully失败地陈述
    • state vigorously有力地陈述
    • state vividly生动地陈述
    • state wisely明智地陈述
    • state to向…陈述


    united states美国

    united states of america美利坚合众国(美国)

    warring states战国(古代中国的一个时期)

    warring states period战国时代

    states of mind心态;意识状态

    density of states态密度

    baltic states波罗的海诸国

    united states army美国陆军

    united states navy美国海军

    commonwealth of independent states n. 独联体;独立国家联合体

    united states air force美国空军(USAF)

    confederate states of america美利坚联盟国

    united states naval academy美国海军学院

    states of matter物态;物质的状态



    1. She wept to see him in such a state.
    2. The house has fallen into a state of neglect.
    3. The head of state was deposed by the army.
    4. Alaska is a state of ample size.
    1. He was wary of telling state secrets.
    2. She teaches in a state university.
    3. The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.
    1. Please state the facts honestly.
    2. They do not state that she is ( or is not ) a good teacher.
    3. State your name and address.


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    Symbolic model checking: 10E20 states and beyond
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    Distributed snapshots: determining global states of distributed systems
    Distributed snapshots: determining global states of distributed systems
    Health Care: States Assume Leadership Role in Providing Emergency Medical Services. Report to Congressional Requesters.
    Exit, voice, and loyalty : responses to decline in firms, organizations, and states
    Interaction of "Solitons"in a Collisionless Plasma and the Recurrence of Initial States
    下一篇:states' rights