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英 [me'tækrənɪzəm]
美 [me'tækrənɪzəm]


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  • 学习《metachronism》怎么用


    Relations between Metachronism and the Direction of Ciliary Beat in Metazoa
    The movements of the swimming‐plates in ctenophores, with reference to the theories of ciliary metachronism
    Metachronism and frequency of beat in the peristomal cilia of Stentor
    On metachronism in ciliary systems: a model describing the dependence of the metachronal wave properties on the intrinsic ciliary pa...
    Metachronism and control of locomotion in animals with many propulsive structures
    Metachronism in Ciliated Epithelium.
    Ciliary metachronism and reversal in paramecium, spirostomum and stentor
    The dual nature of metachronism in ciliated epithelium
    Metachronism of cilia of the digestive epithelium of Cirriformia tentaculata
    Studies on the Metachronal Wave in Opalina II.The Regulating Mechanism of Ciliary Metachronism and of Ciliary Reversal