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英 [ˌhɑ:mə'tæn]
美 [ˌhɑmə'tæn]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    harmattan[ ,hɑ:mə'tæn ]

    • n.a dusty wind from the Sahara that blows toward the western coast of Africa during the winter



    Harmattan dust deposition in northern Nigeria
    Lipids in Harmattan aerosols of Nigeria
    Harmattan dust deposition and particle size in Ghana
    Nature and Distribution of Harmattan Dust
    The nutrient input by Harmattan dust to a forest ecosystem in Côte d'Ivoire, Africa
    Deposition of Harmattan dust and its influence on base saturation of soils in northern Ghana
    Organic matter of the troposphere—IV. Lipids in harmattan aerosols of nigeria ☆
    L'intelligence de la complexité : L'Harmattan, coll. « Cognition & formation , 1999, 332 p., 170 F
    Recovery of soil Amebas from the nasal passages of children during the dusty harmattan period in Zaria.
    Compte rendu de lecture: La gauche au pouvoir en Amérique Latine, La gauche au pouvoir en Amérique Latine, 2007, L’Harmattan, 278...