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英 [ˈleidiz]
美 [ˈlediz]


  • n.

    女盥洗室;(指成年女子,有些人尤其是长者认为这样说比较礼貌)女士( lady的名词复数 );(不尊重的非正式称呼)女人;(在英国对女贵族或贵族成员的妻子女儿或爵士妻子的称呼)夫人举止文雅且有教养的女子;

  • 英英释义

    lady[ 'leidiz ]

    • n.
      • a polite name for any woman

        "a nice lady at the library helped me"

      • a woman of refinement

        "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady"


      • a woman of the peerage in Britain




    ladies and gentlemen女士们、先生们

    ladies and gentleman女士们先生们

    ladies first女士优先


    1. Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
      女士们、 先生们: 请别堵住通道.
    2. I was all for calling on each of these ladies.
    3. It is not good for young ladies to keep slim at the cost of their health.
    4. Where is the ladies' toilet?
    5. Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment.
    6. The king's court was full of nobles and grand ladies.
    7. The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur.
    8. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a steal at only $50.'
      `女士们、 先生们,这个只卖50美元,太便宜啦.


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