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  • n.

    手( hand的名词复数 );人手;(工具等的)把;帮助

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]手 either of the movable parts at the end of a person's arm, including the fingers
    2. [C](钟表等的)指针 a pointer or needle on a clock, machine, or measuring instrument
    3. [C]人手,员工 a worker
    4. [S]帮助,援助help
    5. [C]字迹,书法handwriting
    6. [C]有手艺〔技能〕的人 sb with skill, knowledge, or experience of the stated kind
    7. [S]鼓掌,拍手 encouragement given by clapping the hands; a burst of applause
    8. [C]掌握,控制 control, power, or responsibility
    1. vt. 递,交付 give or transfer sth with one's hand or hands
    2. vt. 传给 give or leave to people who are younger or live after



    • n.
      • (with `in') guardianship over; in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child

        "my fate is in your hands"; "too much power in the president's hands"


      • the force of workers available

        同义词:work forceworkforcemanpowermen



    用作名词 (n.)
    • accept sb's hand接受某人的求婚
    • ask for a lady's hand向某个女人求婚
    • bear a hand in在…中出一把力
    • bind hand and foot捆住手脚
    • bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报
    • burn one's hand烧伤手
    • change hands易手
    • check one's hand拒绝做某事
    • clap one's hand拍手
    • come to hand到手,收到
    • cup one's hand拱着手掌
    • cut one's hand割破手
    • decline sb's hand拒绝某人的求婚
    • deliver by hand专人递送
    • dig one's hand into把手伸入…
    • fall into sb's hands落入某人之手
    • force sb's hand迫使某人,强迫某人
    • gain a lady's hand求得某女士同意结婚
    • get a big hand大受欢迎
    • get one's hand使自己熟悉技能
    • get sth off one's hands摆脱某事物,卸掉对某事的责任
    • have a hand很会…
    • have an open hand慷慨大方,大手大脚
    • have one's hands free没有事情可做,空着手
    • have one's hands full手头工作很忙
    • hold one's hands迟迟不下手,观望
    • join hands手拉手
    • kiss one's hand to向…飞吻
    • lay one's hands on得到,抓到,对…动武
    • lend a hand帮助,帮忙
    • lift a hand动手,帮忙
    • offer one's hand伸出手
    • oil sb's hand贿赂某人
    • put one's hand to承担…,着手做…
    • raise one's hand against sb打某人,威胁某人
    • reach one's hand out for sth伸手拿某物
    • set one's hand on着手干…
    • set one's hand to着手干…
    • shake hands with sb同某人握手
    • show one's hand摊牌,表明自己的真正意图
    • stay one's hand住手,不做某事
    • strengthen sb's hands使某人采取极有力的行动
    • take a hand in参与
    • throw in one's hand放弃,退出(竞争)
    • throw up one's hands绝望
    • tie sb's hands使某人无能为力
    • try one's hand at sth尝试一下,试试身手
    • turn one's hand to sth承担某事,着手做某事
    • wash one's hand解手,洗手
    • wash one's hand of sth洗手不干某事,不再做某事
    • wave one's hand at〔to〕 sb向某人挥手示意
    • win a lady's hand求得某女士同意结婚
    • write a good hand写得一手好字
    • employ hands雇工
    • hire hands雇工
    • give sb a hand帮助某人
    • brown hands晒黑的手
    • gentle hands温柔的手
    • large hands宽大的手
    • strong hands粗大有力的手
    • thin hands纤细的手
    • weak hands软弱无力的手
    • good hand字写得好
    • small hand一般书写体
    • first hand第一手的,直接的
    • second hand第二手的,间接的,用过的,旧的
    • good hand at善于…的人
    • green hand生手
    • new hand新手
    • old hand老手,技术熟练的人
    • poor hand at不善…的人
    • white hands不从事劳动的人
    • hour hand时针
    • minute hand分针
    • second hand秒针
    • factory hand工人
    • farm hand农工
    • at the hands of doctors医生给予的
    • by hand手工
    • hold sb by the hand握住某人的手
    • lead sb by the hand拉着某人的手领路
    • pull sb by the hand拉着某人的手
    • take sb by the hand抓住某人的手
    • from hand to mouth仅够糊口地
    • hand in hand手拉手,共同地
    • in one's hand在手里
    • take the business in hand承担这件事
    • a pair of hands一双手
    • off hand立即,当下
    • on hand手头
    • under sb's hand由某人签署的,在某人保管之下
    • with a heavy hand粗手粗脚地,严厉地,高压地
    • with clean hand廉洁地
    • strike sb with one's hand用手打某人
    • with one's own hand由某人亲自
    用作动词 (v.)
    • hand a good line所有功课都考得好
    • hand sb a blow给某人一击
    • hand the old granny扶那位老太太
    • hand bewilderingly使人迷惑地传递
    • hand cautiously小心地交出
    • hand confidentially秘密地传递
    • hand conscientiously诚心诚意地给
    • hand constantly连续地传递
    • hand cordially真心诚意地交出
    • hand delicately灵敏地传递
    • hand dexterously熟练地传递
    • hand discreetly谨慎地给
    • hand earnestly诚挚地交出
    • hand erroneously错误地传递
    • hand felicitously恰当地传递
    • hand generously大度地交出
    • hand methodically有条理地传递
    • hand immediately立刻交出
    • hand impressively令人难忘地传递
    • hand incompetently不适当地交出
    • hand intelligently明智地交出
    • hand intentionally故意地给
    • hand passively被动地交出
    • hand selectively有选择地传递
    • hand systematically有条理地传递
    • hand unanimously一致交出
    • hand unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地交出
    • hand back把(某物)交还给某人,使某人重新获得
    • hand back the government to the people把政权还给人民
    • hand down把(某物)传递给下面的人,提出或公开声明
    • hand down a decision公布一项决定
    • hand in把(某人)扶上车,把(某物)递交给负责人,提交
    • hand off用手推开对手
    • hand on把(某物)传递给某人,给他人传递(消息),把…移交他人
    • hand out分发,散发,免费提供
    • hand out copies分发文本
    • hand over把…移交他人
    • hand round把…递给,分发给众人
    • hand round the letter把那封信给大家传阅
    • hand up把…递上去,把…提交给上司
    • hand sb across the street扶某人过街
    • hand sb from the car把某人扶下汽车
    • hand sb into the car把某人扶上汽车
    • hand to把(某物)交给或递给(某人)
    • hand the salt to sb把盐递给…


    hands on实习的;亲自动手的

    in the hands of由…掌握;在…掌握中

    both hands双手;[美俚]10年刑期

    join hands with握手;同…联合

    at the hands of由某人或通过某人的机构完成

    in my hands在我的手中

    shake hands with与……握手

    hands up举起手来

    hands off不干涉的;请勿动手;别动

    on your hands由你负责

    on one's hands需要照顾

    dirty hands肮脏的手

    hands free免提

    clap hands拍手

    lay hands on得到;找到;攻击

    white hands诚实;清白无辜;不从事劳动的人

    rough hands粗鲁的工人



    1. It was written by hand.
    2. He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.
    3. Do you want a hand?
    4. He's always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks.
    5. He has a light hand with pastry.
    1. Please hand me that book.
    2. She helped to hand round the dishes.
    3. Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother.


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