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  • abbr.

    effective diameter of objective 目标有效直径;error demodulator output 错误的解调器输出;error detector output 错误探测器输出;

  • 英英释义

    edo[ 'edəu ]

    • n.
      • a member of a west African people living in the tropical forest region of southern Nigeria
      • the capital and largest city of Japan; the economic and cultural center of Japan

        同义词:TokyoTokioYeddoYedoJapanese capitalcapital of Japan



    Burst EDO memory device
    Continuous burst edo memory device
    Burst EDO memory device with maximized write cycle timing
    Engineering distributed objects (EDO 99) workshop summary
    Gigantic photoresponse in 1/4-filled-band organic salt (EDO-TTF)2PF6
    A novel metal–insulator phase transition observed in (EDO-TTF)2PF6
    Organizational Trust and Employee Performance in Selected Hotels in Edo State of Nigeria
    A timeline for the introduction of synthetic dyestuffs in Japan during the late Edo and Meiji periods
    Phytochemical, nutritional and medical properties of some leafy vegetables consumed by Edo people of Nigeria
    Phytochemical Studies And Comparative Efficacy Of The Crude Extracts Of Some Haemostatic Plants In Edo And Delta States Of Nigeria