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英 [ˈeɪwɒl]
美 [ˈeɪwɔl]


  • abbr.

    absent without leave 擅离职守的;

  • 英英释义

    AWOL[ 'eiwɔl ]

    • n.one who is away or absent without leave
    • adj.
      • absent without permission


      • having deserted your post or station without leave



    AWOL: An Adaptive Write Optimizations Layer.
    AMA and AWOL discharges: a six-year comparative study.
    Predicting AWOL discharge at a community mental health centre
    The AWOL tool: derivation and validation of a delirium prediction rule.
    Discharges AMA and AWOL: a new "revolving door syndrome".
    Going AWOL in the Brain: Mind Wandering Reduces Cortical Analysis of External Events
    Predicting AWOL discharge at a community mental health center: a "split-half"validation.
    The role of Administration in Assessment: AWOL, MIA or Supreme Commander?
    YOUTH WHO CHRONICALLY AWOL FROM FOSTER CARE Why They Run, Where They Go, and What Can Be Done
    Mechanisms in macroecology: AWOL or purloined letter? Towards a pragmatic view of mechanism