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英 ['mɑ:tʃt]
美 ['mɑtʃt]


  • v.

    (坚定地向某地)前进( march的过去式和过去分词 );进军;进展;游行示威(或抗议)

  • 双语释义

    1. [U][C]三月 the third month of the year, next after February
    1. vi. 进军; 行进 walk with a regular, especially forceful, step like a soldier
    2. vt. & vi. (使)前进 (cause sb to) march
    1. [C]行进,行军,前进,进军 action of marching; progress when marching advance
    2. [C]行程 the distance covered while marching in a certain period of time
    3. [C]游行 procession from one place to another by many people, especially as a protest
    4. [C]进行曲 piece of music written for marching to


    march[ mɑ:tʃ ]

    • n.
      • the month following February and preceding April


      • the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind)

        "it was a long march"; "we heard the sound of marching"


      • a steady advance

        "the march of science"; "the march of time"

      • a procession of people walking together

        "the march went up Fifth Avenue"

      • district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area

        "the Welsh marches between England and Wales"

        同义词:borderlandborder districtmarchland

      • genre of music written for marching

        "Sousa wrote the best marches"

        同义词:marching music

      • a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture

        同义词:Master of Architecture

    • v.
      • march in a procession


      • force to march

        "The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria"

      • walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride

        "He marched into the classroom and announced the exam"; "The soldiers marched across the border"

      • march in protest; take part in a demonstration


      • walk ostentatiously


      • cause to march or go at a marching pace

        "They marched the mules into the desert"

      • lie adjacent to another or share a boundary

        "England marches with Scotland"

        同义词:borderadjoinedgeabutbuttbutt againstbutt on



    用作动词 (v.)
    • march the army to指挥军队向…行进
    • march the thirty miles行军30英里
    • march hand in hand手挽手前进
    • march well列队行进很整齐
    • march aimlessly盲目进军
    • march arduously奋勇前进
    • march briskly步伐轻快
    • march cautiously谨慎行事
    • march dramatically显著地进行
    • march endlessly无穷发展
    • march fruitlessly无效地进行
    • march leisurely从容开展
    • march magnificently壮观地前进
    • march monotonously单线行进
    • march morosely进展缓慢
    • march pompously自负地进行
    • march slowly缓慢地行进
    • march steadily稳步前进
    • march tirelessly坚韧不拔地前进
    • march uninterruptedly不停地前进
    • march away离开,出发
    • march the prisoner away把犯人押走
    • march by走过
    • march off列队离去
    • march war prisoners off to prison押送战俘去监狱
    • march on行进,前进
    • march out列队出去,出发
    • march past以分列式行进,走过
    • march up and down踱来踱去
    • march against向…推进,向…行进
    • march against the enemy向敌人进军
    • march along the highway沿公路行进
    • march at double-quick跑步前进
    • march at ease常步前进
    • march from...to...从…行进至…
    • march from the barracks to the parade ground从营房齐步走到练兵场
    • march from victory to victory节节胜利
    • march in fours四人一排行进
    • march in procession列队行进
    • march into行进,进入
    • march into a city开进城
    • march into town行军进城
    • march on向…方向进军
    • march on a fortress向要塞进军
    • march on the next town向下一个城镇进军
    • march out of a fortress撤离要塞
    • march through行经…
    • march through the streets列队经过街道
    • march to向…方向进军
    • march to a tune on the bugle和着军号的节拍前进
    • march towards向…方向进军
    • march with a red flag at one's head打着红旗行进
    用作名词 (n.)
    • command march统帅行军
    • direct march指引进程
    • extend march扩大进程
    • follow the march of events跟上局势的发展
    • force march加快进程
    • have a long march走很长的路
    • make march行军
    • make a full day's march走了一整天的路
    • resume one's march继续行军
    • review the march检阅游行
    • steal a march on sb偷偷地抢在某人的前面
    • beat a march on one's drum击鼓奏出进行曲
    • compose a march创作进行曲
    • play a march演奏进行曲
    • strike up a march奏起进行曲
    • bloody march血染征途
    • cautious march谨慎的行军
    • circuitous march曲折的前进
    • disorderly march混乱的行军
    • double march跑步走
    • dreadful march可怕的行进
    • dreary march忧郁的行进
    • endless march无尽的行程
    • forced march强行军,兼程行军
    • forward march发展
    • fruitless march无结果的行军
    • general march全面进军
    • hobbling march踌躇不前
    • inevitable march必然的进展
    • long march长途行军
    • measureless march不可估量的进展
    • rapid march急行军
    • severe march艰难的历程
    • silent march沉默的行军
    • slow march慢慢的前进
    • steady march有规律的行程
    • stormy march风雨旅程
    • victorious march胜利的进军
    • dead march葬礼进行曲
    • famous march有名的进行曲
    • statelymarch庄严的进行曲
    • tediousmarch冗长乏味的进行曲
    • death march死亡行军
    • funeral march葬礼进行曲
    • hunger march反饥饿游行
    • military march军乐进行曲
    • peace march争取和平的游行
    • wedding march婚礼进行曲
    • after march行军之后
    • at slow march缓慢行进
    • in the march of time随着时光的流逝
    • on the march在行军中,在进行中
    • education on the march发展中的教育
    • with the march of time随着时光的流逝
    • march against朝…行进
    • march from自…行进
    • march in procession列队前进
    • march into向…行进
    • march of affairs事情的进展
    • march of time时光的流逝
    • march to向…行进
    • march toward朝…行进


    in march在三月;在三月份

    long march长征

    march in进入;(运动员)进场

    march on行进,向前进;向…推进;进入检阅场地

    march into长驱直入

    march with v. 交界

    on the march进行中;行军中

    wedding march n. 婚礼进行曲

    march hare发情期的野兔

    quick march[军]齐步行进

    march against朝…进军;向…推进

    death march向着死亡的行军

    funeral march葬礼进行曲,送葬曲



    1. Not a single man fell out in the long march.
    2. The army was now on the march to Shanghai.
    3. Science is on the march.
    4. The peace march attracted a large turnout.
    1. The shower being over, we continued to march.
    2. The troops marched on.
    3. The teacher marched the children out to the playground.
    1. This term will begin on March 1st.


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