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英 [ˈju:vjəli:]
美 ['juvjəli]


  • n.

    小舌,悬雍垂,小脑悬雍垂;悬雍垂,小舌( uvula的名词复数 );

  • 学习《uvulae》怎么用


    1. The levetor veli palatini muscle elevates the soft palate, the muscle uvulae bunches the soft palate, and the tensor veli palatini tenses and shortens the palate.


    Musculus uvulae and velopharyngeal status
    An electromyographic study of the musculus uvulae
    Musculus uvulae and levator palati: their anatomical and functional relationship in velopharyngeal closure.
    Structure of the musculus uvulae: functional and surgical implications of an anatomic study.
    Muscle fiber area distribution of musculus uvulae in obstructive sleep apnea and non-apneic snorers
    Electron microscopy study of peripheral nerves in the uvulae of snorers and obstructive sleep apnoea patients.
    Velopharyngeal insufficiency due to hypoplasia of the musculus uvulae and occult submucous cleft palate.
    Upper airway collapsibility, and contractile and metabolic characteristics of musculus uvulae.
    Physiologic, metabolic, and muscle fiber type characteristics of musculus uvulae in sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome and in snorers.
    [Clinical application of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with resection of the musculus uvulae and preservation of uvulae mucosa]