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  • 莱曼
  • 草地,Lee的异体
  • 英语



  • Lyman is a lunar impact crater that lies in the southern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. It is located to the south of the huge walled plain Poincaré, and to the northeast of Schrödinger, another walled plain.




Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Spectra of z ~ 3 Lyman Break Galaxies
George Lyman Duff memorial lecture. Persistent problems in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
Lyman-Break Galaxies at z ≳ 4 and the Evolution of the Ultraviolet Luminosity Density at High Redshift*
Metal Enrichment and Ionization Balance in the Lyman $α$ Forest at $z = 3$
Analysis of radiation-induced liver disease using the Lyman NTCP model.
The Rest Frame Optical Spectra of Lyman Break Galaxies: Star Formation, Extinction, Abundances, and Kinematics
Cosmological parameters from combining the Lyman-alpha forest with CMB, galaxy clustering and SN constraints
Atomic data for resonance absorption lines. I - Wavelengths longward of the Lyman limit
Analysis of radiation-induced liver disease using the lyman ntcp model: in regard to dawson et al. ijrobp 2002;53:810–821
The Yin and Yang of oxidation in the development of the fatty streak. A review based on the 1994 George Lyman Duff Memorial Lecture