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  • adj.


  • v.

    期望( expect的现在分词 );预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 预计,预料 think or believe that sth will happen or that sb/sth will come
    2. vt. & vi. 期望,盼望,指望 hope and feel confident that one will receive sth (from sb)
    3. vt. 认为,想 believe; think


    expect[ ik'spektiŋ ]

    • v.
      • regard something as probable or likely

        "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow"


      • consider obligatory; request and expect

        "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"


      • look forward to the probable occurrence of

        "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"


      • consider reasonable or due

        "I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed"

      • be pregnant with

        "The are expecting another child in January"

        同义词:have a bun in the ovenbearcarrygestate

      • look forward to the birth of a child

        "She is expecting in March"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • expect a change期待变化
    • expect a fine Sunday期待一个快乐的星期天
    • expect a friend期待朋友
    • expect a friend's visit期望一位朋友的来访
    • expect a guest for lunch等客人吃午饭
    • expect a letter from home等家信
    • expect a pleasant vacation期待愉快的假期
    • expect a rise in demand期待需求的增长
    • expect a storm期待暴风雨
    • expect a telegram等电报
    • expect a telephone call等电话
    • expect aid指望帮助
    • expect aid from a friend指望朋友的帮助
    • expect an affirmative decision期待肯定的决定
    • expect an answer期待回答
    • expect good results期待好结果
    • expect good weather盼望好天气
    • expect great things期望大事业
    • expect guest等客人
    • expect hot day盼望热天
    • expect news期待消息
    • expect opinion of sth希望听到对某事的意见
    • expect sb's wishes期待某人的祝福
    • expect sincerity指望得到真诚
    • expect support from sb期待得到某人的支持
    • expect sympathy指望得到同情
    • expect the conclusion期待结论
    • expect the fast approach of Christmas期待圣诞节快快到来
    • expect anxiously焦急地等待
    • expect ardently热切地期望
    • expect breathlessly无心期待
    • expect confidentially机密地抢先做
    • expect confidently满怀信心地期望
    • expect eagerly殷切期待
    • expect early早早地指望
    • expect erroneously错误地认为
    • expect evidently显然预料到
    • expect fondly盲目地等待
    • expect fully信心十足地期待
    • expect gloomily悲观地认为
    • expect hardly几乎未预料到
    • expect hourly随时期待
    • expect impatiently急不可耐地期待
    • expect little几乎不抱希望
    • expect momentarily短暂地期待
    • expect mystically秘密期待
    • expect naturally天真地期待
    • expect plainly坦率地认为
    • expect presumptuously傲慢地认为
    • expect previously先前地期待
    • expect rationally合理地认为
    • expect really真正地期待
    • expect romantically expect浪漫地想
    • expect too much期望太高
    • expect tremulously过分敏感地期望
    • expect unreasonably不理智地期待
    • expect usually通常地期待
    • expect vaguely盲目地认为
    • expect vainly白想
    • expect from期望(某人)会作出(某事)
    • expect much from sb对某人抱有很大期望
    • expect of期望(某人)会作出(某事)


    expect too much of对(某人)期望过高

    expect of对…期望(要求)

    expect to do期待去做;期望做某事


    1. This is what we expect to happen.
    2. He is expected to get through to the finals.
    3. At last they got the telegram they had been expecting.


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    上一篇:Expected Value