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英 [ˈwudwəd]
美 [ˈwʊdwəd]


  • 伍德沃德
  • 护林人
  • 中世纪英语、古英语
  • Robert Woodward 罗伯特•伍德沃德:


woodward[ 'wudwɔ:d ]

  • n.
    • United States historian (1908-1999)

      同义词:C. Vann WoodwardComer Vann Woodward

    • United States chemist honored for synthesizing complex organic compounds (1917-1979)

      同义词:Bob WoodwardRobert WoodwardRobert Burns Woodward



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Walczak, H. et al. Tumoricidal activity of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis- inducing ligand in vivo. Nature Med 5, 157-163
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