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  • n.

    (口头或书面的)邀请( invitation的名词复数 );请柬;鼓励;(尤指)怂恿

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something

        "an invitation to lunch"; "she threw the invitation away"

      • a tempting allurement

        "she was an invitation to trouble"



    invitation letter邀请函

    invitation card请帖;招待券

    by invitation凭请柬

    invitation to bid[经]招标;投标邀请书

    formal invitation正式请柬;正式邀请函

    invitation for bid招标

    invitation to tender招标



    Invitations to Love: Literacy, Love Letters, and Social Change in Nepal
    Words as Invitations to Form Categories: Evidence from 12- to 13-Month-Old Infants
    Words as invitations to form categories: Evidence from 12- to 13-month-old infants.
    INVITATIONS TO RESPONSIBILITY : The therapeutic engagement of men who are violent and abusive
    Public Health: Content Of Invitations For Publicly Funded Screening Mammography
    Effects of Personal Salutations in E-mail Invitations to Participate in a Web Survey
    Consistent (but not variable) names as invitations to form object categories: new evidence from 12-month-old infants
    Method and system for automatic handling of invitations to join communications sessions in a virtual team environment
    Age differences in young children's responses to open-ended invitations in the course of forensic interviews.
    Structures of Social Action: Subsequent versions of invitations, offers, requests, and proposals dealing with potential or actual re...