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building society

《building society》怎以读

[ˈbildiŋ səˈsaiəti]

《building society》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 变形

    复数:building societies


    building society

    • n.British equivalent of United States savings and loan association

    学习《building society》怎么用


    1. I have an account with the Halifax building society.
    2. The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not been made.
    3. The bank and the building society are in the same office-block.
    4. If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in the building society.


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    The Psychological Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Individual: A Study of Building Society Managers
    Διαμορφώντας την τεχνολογία/Δομόντας την κοινωνία. (Shaping technology / building society)
    上一篇:building site
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