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英 [ʌnrɪ'mɪtɪd]
美 [ˌʌnrɪ'mɪtɪd]


  • adj.


  • 学习《unremitted》怎么用


    Shortened telomere in unremitted schizophrenia.
    Shortened telomere in unremitted schizophrenia: Unremitted schizophrenia and telomere
    Adjuvant pioglitazone for unremitted depression: Clinical correlates of treatment response ☆
    Wechsler-Bellevue performances of remitted and unremitted alcoholics, and their normal controls
    Elevated salivary α-amylase and cortisol levels in unremitted and remitted depressed patients.
    U.S. Taxation of United States Manufacturing Abroad: Likely Effects of Taxing Unremitted Profits
    Telomere length as a predictor of response to Pioglitazone in patients with unremitted depression: a preliminary study
    Cross diagnostic comparisons of quality of life deficits in remitted and unremitted patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
    Directors' Liability for Unpaid Employee Entitlements - Suggestions for Reform Based on Their Liabilities for Unremitted Taxes
    A case series investigating acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for previously treated, unremitted patients with anorex...