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  • v.

    不同种族[国家、教派]间的通婚( intermarry的第三人称单数 );近族通婚,近亲结婚;

  • 英英释义

    intermarry[ ,intə'mæri ]

    • v.marry within the same ethnic, social, or family group



    1. Leading families intermarry; practically everyone in the top flight is thus related.
      显赫的家族之间相互通婚; 因此上层社会的人差不多都是沾亲带故。


    Who intermarries in Britain? Explaining ethnic diversity in intermarriage patterns
    Who Intermarries? Education, Nativity, Region, and Interracial Marriage, 1980 and 1990
    Still Jewish:A History of Women and Intermarriage in America
    Change of Marriage Pattern and Development of Countryside:The Example of the village Kang's Intermarry Range
    Partner Choice in Sweden Following a Failed Intermarriage
    On Intermarry between the Baqi Garrison and Local Han Nationality in Qing Dynasty with an Oyster Shell
    How interethnic marriages affect the educational attainment of children: Evidence from a natural experiment
    Negombo Fishermen’s Tamil and Sri Lanka Gypsy Telugu: Two Sinhala-Influenced Dravidian Minority Dialects from the Sinhalese Heartland
    Offering Songs, Festive Songs, Processional Songs mGar-gLu, Khro-Glu, Phebsnga: Tashi Tsering's Music: Gyalmo Kusum, 'Queen Kusum'
    An Investigative Study On The Extent Of Labour Welfare Practices On Building Construction Sites (case Study - Nairobi Area)