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  • 霍默
  • 誓约
  • 希腊语
  • Homer 荷马:
  • Winslow Homer 温斯洛•霍默:


Homer[ 'həumə ]

  • n.
    • a base hit on which the batter scores a run

      同义词:home run

    • ancient Greek epic poet who is believed to have written the Iliad and the Odyssey (circa 850 BC)
    • an ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs


    • United States painter best known for his seascapes (1836-1910)

      同义词:Winslow Homer

    • pigeon trained to return home

      同义词:homing pigeon

  • v.hit a home run



  1. You have to be very quick to get an infield homer.
  2. Jack blasted a homer that tied the game.


Homer: a link between neural activity and glutamate receptor function.
Homer: a protein that selectively binds metabotropic glutamate receptors.
Homer binds TRPC family channels and is required for gating of TRPC1 by IP3 receptors.
HomER: a review of time-series analysis methods for near-infrared spectroscopy of the brain
Homer binds a novel proline-rich motif and links group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors with IP3 receptors
Coupling of mGluR/Homer and PSD-95 Complexes by the Shank Family of Postsynaptic Density Proteins
Homer regulates the association of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors with multivalent complexes of homer-related, synaptic pr...
Regulation of Dendritic Spine Morphology and Synaptic Function by Shank and Homer
Developing dual user interfaces for integrating blind and sighted users:the HOMER UIMS
The Odyssey as a Literary Landmark - GriffinJasper: Homer, the Odyssey. (Landmarks of World Literature.) Pp. vi + 107. Cambridge Uni...