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creeping bentgrass

《creeping bentgrass》是什么意思


creeping bentgrass

  • n.common pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners

    同义词:creeping bentAgrostis palustris

学习《creeping bentgrass》怎么用


Evidence for landscape-level, pollen-mediated gene flow from genetically modified creeping bentgrass with CP4 EPSPS as a marker.
Heat stress injury in relation to membrane lipid peroxidation in creeping bentgrass.
Effects of differential air and soil temperature on carbohydrate metabolism in creeping bentgrass.
Growth and physiological responses of creeping bentgrass to changes in air and soil temperatures.
Establishment of transgenic herbicide-resistant creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) in nonagronomic habitats.
Microbial Properties of Composts That Suppress Damping-Off and Root Rot of Creeping Bentgrass Caused by Pythium graminicola.
Growth and physiological response of creeping bentgrass to elevated night temperature
Constitutive expression of a miR319 gene alters plant development and enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic creeping ben...
Changes of lipid composition and saturation level in leaves and roots for heat-stressed and heat-acclimated creeping bentgrass ( Agr...
Cytokinin-Containing Seaweed and Humic Acid Extracts Associated with Creeping Bentgrass Leaf Cytokinins and Drought Resistance
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