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  • abbr.

    United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境规划署;

  • 学习《unep》怎么用


    UNEP: Global environmental outlook 2000
    UNEP global environmental alert service: July 2013
    UNEP-SETAC guideline on global land use impact assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services in LCA
    Gender equality and the environment: A Guide to UNEP's work
    The LCIA midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC life cycle initiative
    The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report: a perspective on changing conditions in LMEs of the world's regional seas
    "Tourism,"in UNEP (2011): Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication
    Assessment of exposure to lead and cadmium through biological monitoring: results of a UNEP/WHO global study
    In preparation for the 13th UNEP Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (UNEP GMGSF) and the 12th Special Session of the UNEP Go...
    REVIEWS: Conservation of Marine and Coastal Birds in the Mediterranean - Proceedings of the Unep-Map-Rac/Spa Symposium (Yésou, P...