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innate talent

学习《innate talent》怎么用


Innate talents: reality or myth?
Innate talents: reality or myth?
Innate talents: A psychological tautology?
The Jack-of-All-Trades entrepreneur: Innate talent or acquired skill?
The Jack-of-All-Trades Entrepreneur: Innate Talent or Acquired Skill?
Innate talent or deliberate practice as determinants of exceptional performance: Are we asking the right question?
Digital competence: Is it an innate talent of the new generation or an ability that must be developed?
Putting practice into perspective: Child prodigies as evidence of innate talent.
Are You Experienced or Are You Talented?: When Does Innate Talent versus Experience Explain Entrepreneurial Performance?
Superiority on the Embedded Figures Test in autism and in normal males: Evidence of an “innate talent”?
上一篇:innate immunity
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