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operate on

《operate on》怎以读

英 [ˈɔpəreit ɔn]
美 [ˈɑpəˌret ɑn]

《operate on》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    operate on

    • v.perform surgery on


    学习《operate on》怎么用


    1. The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life.


    National failure to operate on early stage pancreatic cancer
    Who should operate on patients with ovarian cancer? An evidence-based review
    When should we operate on major fractures in patients with severe head injuries?
    How does selection operate on whole-organism functional performance capacities? A review and synthesis
    Who should we operate on and how do we decide: predicting rupture and survival in patients with aortic aneurysm
    Enabling software designed for one operating system to operate on another operating system
    Two distinct mechanisms of transcriptional control operate on c-myc during differentiation of HL60 cells.
    Deleting a continuous query from a data stream management system continuing to operate on other queries
    Small than standard size compact disk (CD) mounted with adapter to compatibly operate on existing optical-disk type drives
    The Impact of Benign Gene Expression Classifier Test Results on the Endocrinologist-Patient Decision to Operate on Patients with Thy...
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