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  • v.

    阻止,抑制( inhibit的第三人称单数 );使拘束,使尴尬;

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 阻止; 抑制 hold back



    • v.
      • to put down by force or authority

        同义词:suppressstamp downsubdueconquercurb

      • limit the range or extent of

        "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • inhibit the impulses抑制冲动
    • inhibit the sales of winter clothing影响了冬天衣着的销售
    • inhibit the spread of the disease抑制了疾病的蔓延
    • inhibit the wrong desires制止错误的想法
    • inhibit accidentally意外禁止
    • inhibit appropriately适当禁止
    • inhibit arduously艰难地禁止
    • inhibit carefully小心翼翼地禁止
    • inhibit casually偶尔禁止
    • inhibit ceaselessly不断地禁止
    • inhibit conventionally按常规禁止
    • inhibit curiously不寻常地禁止
    • inhibit decisively果断禁止
    • inhibit deliberately故意禁止
    • inhibit dramatically戏剧性地禁止
    • inhibit episodically偶尔地禁止
    • inhibit essentially本质上禁止
    • inhibit everlastingly永久地禁止
    • inhibit exclusively〔utterly〕完全地禁止
    • inhibit flatly断然禁止
    • inhibit formally正式禁止
    • inhibit freely随意禁止
    • inhibit gradually逐渐地禁止
    • inhibit ignominiously不光彩地禁止
    • inhibit immediately立即禁止
    • inhibit impatiently不耐烦地禁止
    • inhibit inevitably不可避免地禁止
    • inhibit naturally自然地禁止
    • inhibit partially局部地禁止
    • inhibit powerfully有力地禁止
    • inhibit rapidly迅速地禁止
    • inhibit reluctantly不情愿地禁止
    • inhibit resolutely果断地禁止
    • inhibit righteously理所当然地禁止
    • inhibit rudely无理地禁止
    • inhibit ruthlessly残忍地禁止
    • inhibit satisfactorily令人满意地禁止
    • inhibit savagely蛮横地禁止
    • inhibit slowly缓慢地禁止
    • inhibit specially特别禁止
    • inhibit starkly〔strictly〕严格禁止
    • inhibit superficially表面上禁止
    • inhibit symbolically象征性地禁止
    • inhibit thoughtlessly轻率地禁止
    • inhibit unnecessarily不必要地禁止
    • inhibit from禁止,阻止


    1. You should inhibit wrong desires and impulses.
    2. These compounds inhibit microbial growth.
    3. Why didn't you inhibit him from doing that?
    4. They passed a law to inhibit people from parking in the street.
    5. His embarrassment inhibited him from talking to her.


    IL-10 inhibits cytokine production by activated macrophages.
    Gut hormone PYY(3-36) physiologically inhibits food intake
    A CD4+ T-cell subset inhibits antigen-specific T-cell responses and prevents colitis.
    TGF-beta signaling blockade inhibits PTHrP secretion by breast cancer cells and bone metastases development.
    The RAF inhibitor PLX4032 inhibits ERK signaling and tumor cell proliferation in a V600E BRAF-selective manner.
    Interleukin 10(IL-10) inhibits cytokine synthesis by human monocytes: an autoregulatory role of IL-10 produced by monocytes.
    IAP-family protein survivin inhibits caspase activity and apoptosis induced by Fas (CD95), Bax, caspases, and anticancer drugs
    The mdm-2 oncogene product forms a complex with the p53 protein and inhibits p53-mediated transactivation.
    Two types of mouse T helper cell. IV. Th2 clones secrete a factor that inhibits cytokine production by Th1 clones.
    Sorafenib blocks the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway, inhibits tumor angiogenesis, and induces tumor cell apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma ...
    上一篇:inhibitory neuron