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  • abbr.

    influence 影响;infield 内场;infect 传染;infielder 内野手

  • 学习《inf》怎么用


    Closest point search in lattices. IEEE Trans Inf Theory
    Nearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEE Trans Inf Theory IT-13(1):21-27
    Three models for the description of language. IRE Trans Inf Theor 2:113-124
    Angluin, D.: Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples. Inf. Comput. 75(2), 87-106
    Hofmann, T.: Latent semantic models for collaborative filtering. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. (TOIS) 22(1), 89-115
    Cross-reactivity to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses after vaccination with nonadjuvanted and MF59-adjuvanted influenz...
    Serological evidence of an association of a novel Chlamydia, TWAR, with chronic coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarcti...
    Mangi AA, Noiseux N, Kong D, et al.. Mesenchymal stem cells modified with Akt prevent remodeling and restore performance of infarcte...
    Attentional requirements of learning: evidence from performance measures: the hypothesis that one component is a pulse test informat...
    Verteporfin therapy of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in patients with age-related macular degeneration: additional informat...