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  • n.

    图书馆( library的名词复数 );图书室;

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]图书馆,藏书室 a building or part of a building which contains books that may be borrowed by the public or by members of a special group
    2. [C]藏书 collection of books for reading or borrowing



    • n.
      • a room where books are kept

        "they had brandy in the library"

      • a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing
      • a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study

        同义词:depository library

      • (computing) a collection of standard programs and subroutines that are stored and available for immediate use

        同义词:program librarysubroutine library

      • a building that houses a collection of books and other materials



    用作名词 (n.)
    • accumulate a library积累藏书
    • build up a library修建一座图书馆
    • collect a library收藏书籍
    • computerize a library使图书馆电子计算机化
    • erect a library建造图书馆
    • establish a library建立图书馆
    • frequent a library常去图书馆
    • go to a library去图书馆
    • open a library开图书馆
    • own a library拥有藏书
    • audio-visual library视听资料图书馆
    • circulating library收费的流动图书馆
    • extensive library藏书广泛的图书馆
    • good library藏书多的图书馆
    • immense library大图书馆
    • lending library(收费的)租书图书馆
    • medical library医学图书馆
    • mobile library流动图书馆
    • municipal library市立图书馆
    • private library私人图书馆
    • public library公共图书馆
    • rental library(收费的)租书图书馆,(商店等内)附设的租书部
    • rich library藏书多的图书馆
    • travelling library流动图书馆
    • valuable library有价值的图书馆
    • well-stocked library藏书丰富的图书馆
    • college library大学图书馆
    • home library家庭图书馆
    • law library法律图书馆
    • music library音乐图书馆
    • program library程序库
    • reference library参考图书馆(只供查阅,不供外借)
    • research library(提供专业文献的)研究图书馆,学术图书馆
    • school library中小学图书馆
    • university library大学图书馆
    • library card借书证
    • library hours图书馆开放时间
    • library rules图书馆的规定
    • library school图书馆学校
    • library science图书馆学
    • at the library在图书馆
    • in a library在图书馆
    • in sb's library在某人的藏书中
    • outside library在图书馆外面
    • library for children儿童图书馆
    • library of books dealing with收藏有关…方面的书籍的图书馆
    • library of ten thousand volumes一万册藏书


    digital library数字图书馆

    in the library在图书馆

    public library公共图书馆;公立图书馆

    library science图书馆学;图书馆科学硕士

    library service图书馆服务;程序库服务

    college library大学图书馆

    school library学校图书馆

    national library国家图书馆

    dynamic link library动态链接库

    library of congress n. 美国国会图书馆

    library card n. 借书证;图书证

    electronic library[计]电子图书馆

    library file库文件;链接库档案

    mobile library流动图书馆;图书馆车;宣传车

    image library图像库;图片库

    research library n. 专供学者与专家做深入研究的图书馆

    gene library基因库;基因文库

    reference library参考书阅览室

    special library专门图书馆

    graphics library图形库



    1. The town has its own public library and public gardens.
    2. In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.
    3. Professor Hunter has a library of about five thousand books.
    4. I found him working in his library when I called.


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    Assembly of combinatorial antibody libraries on phage surfaces: the gene III site.
    SIMPLIcity: Semantics-Sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries
    SIMPLIcity: Semantics-Sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries
    SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries
    By-passing immunization. Human antibodies from V-gene libraries displayed on phage.
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