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  • v.

    使结冰( glaciate的现在分词 );以冰(或冰河)覆盖;使受冰河作用;冻结

  • 英英释义

    glaciate[ 'ɡleisieit ]

    • v.
      • cover with ice or snow or a glacier

        "the entire area was glaciated"

      • become frozen and covered with glaciers



    The Glaciating Behavior of Small Cumulonimbus Clouds.
    Observations of a glaciating hole‐punch cloud
    Ice cover of the Okhotsk Sea during last Glaciating and Holocene
    Microphysical Properties of Glaciating Cumulus Clouds: Comparison of Measurements With A Numerical Simulation
    Overdeepenings in glacial troughs and new lakes in de-glaciating high-mountain regions
    New lakes in de-glaciating alpine areas : addressing current and future risks from impulse waves due to rock / ice avalanches
    New lakes in de-glaciating high-mountain regions - a challenge for integrative research about hazard protection and sustainable use
    Increasing risks related to landslides from degrading permafrost into new lakes in de-glaciating mountain ranges
    Integrative modelling and managing new landscapes and environments in de-glaciating mountain ranges: an emerging trans-disciplinary ...
    Compiling an Inventory of Glacier-Bed Overdeepenings and Potential New Lakes in De-Glaciating Areas of the Peruvian Andes: Approach,...