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  • v.

    给予,赠送( give的第三人称单数 );(与名词连用描述某一动作,意义与该名词相应的动词相同);供给;交给

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 给予,赠送,授予 cause a person to have, receive; hand over to sb without payment or exchange
    2. vt. 供给,提供 provide or supply
    3. vt. 交给,托付 cause sb to have; ask sb to look after
    4. vt. 作出(某一动作),发出(声音等) perform or carry out (an action)
    5. vt. 举办,表演 cause (a performance, amusement , or public event) to take place
    6. vt. 付出,出售 pay in order to buy
    7. vt. 产生,引起produce
    8. vi. (物体)塌下,折断 bend or stretch under pressure
    9. vi. 让步 give up



    • n.the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length


    • v.
      • cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense
      • be the cause or source of


      • transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

        "can you give me lessons?"

      • convey or reveal information
      • convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow

        "give the orders"


      • organize or be responsible for

        "give a course"


      • convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture


      • give as a present; make a gift of

        "What will you give her for her birthday?"


      • cause to happen or be responsible for


      • dedicate

        "give thought to"; "give priority to"


      • give or supply


      • tell or deposit (information) knowledge

        "give a secret to the Russians"

        同义词:impartleavepass on

      • bring about


      • leave with; give temporarily

        "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"

      • emit or utter

        "give a yelp"

      • endure the loss of


      • place into the hands or custody of

        同义词:passhandreachpass onturn over

      • give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

        "give one's talents to a good cause"


      • give (as medicine)
      • give or convey physically


      • bestow

        "give homage"


      • bestow, especially officially

        "give a divorce"


      • move in order to make room for someone for something

        同义词:move overgive wayease upyield

      • give food to

        "don't give the child this tough meat"


      • contribute to some cause

        同义词:contributechip inkick in

      • break down, literally or metaphorically

        同义词:collapsefall incave ingive waybreakfounder

      • estimate the duration or outcome of something
      • execute and deliver
      • deliver in exchange or recompense

        "I'll give you three books for four CDs"

      • afford access to

        "The French doors give onto a terrace"


      • present to view
      • perform for an audience
      • be flexible under stress of physical force

        "This material doesn't give"


      • propose
      • accord by verdict

        "give a decision for the plaintiff"

      • manifest or show

        "This student gives promise of real creativity"

      • offer in good faith
      • submit for consideration, judgment, or use

        "give one's opinion"; "give an excuse"

      • guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion
      • allow to have or take

        "I give you two minutes to respond"

      • inflict as a punishment
      • occur

        "what gives?"

      • consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man
      • proffer (a body part)



    用作动词 (v.)
    • give a cough咳嗽一声
    • give a cry叫喊一声
    • give a dinner设宴
    • give a garden party开游园会
    • give a good account of oneself表现优异〔英勇〕
    • give a jump跳了一下
    • give a kick踢一脚
    • give a lecture开演讲会
    • give a look看一看
    • give a loud laugh大笑一声
    • give a play上演一剧
    • give a ring打了一个电话
    • give a shout叫一声
    • give a start大吃一惊
    • give a try试一试
    • give cause给予…理由
    • give chase追赶
    • give thanks作感恩祈祷
    • give the gun加速
    • give voice引吭高歌
    • give way退后,失效,屈服,为…所代替
    • give sb a hand援助; 赞许
    • give sb a piece of one's mind责难,责骂
    • give sb the cold shoulder待人冷淡
    • give sb the gate解雇,放弃
    • give sb the slip溜走
    • give the city a new look使这个城市面目一新
    • give abundantly丰富地供给
    • give charitably宽厚地供给
    • give conscientiously诚心诚意地提供
    • give discreetly谨慎地提供
    • give exclusively孤傲地表演
    • give freely慷慨捐助
    • give generously慷慨解囊
    • give grudgingly吝惜地提供
    • give intentionally故意地提供
    • give magnificently宏伟地表演
    • give willingly乐意给予
    • give around让步
    • give away放弃,泄露,分配,贡献
    • give away a secret泄露秘密
    • give a friend away出卖朋友
    • give away one's comrades出卖同志
    • give oneself away暴露自己,露马脚
    • give away to sb向某人让步
    • give back归还,恢复,反射,报复
    • give sb back an angry look回瞪某人一眼
    • give sb back his health使某人恢复健康
    • give sth back to sb把某物归还给某人
    • give in屈服,交上,被…所取代,瓦解,失态,(驾车时)礼让
    • give in to sb对某人让步,迁就某人
    • give off(释)放出,发出(气味等)
    • give off heat发热
    • give off light发光
    • give off smoke冒出烟
    • give out布置,分发(书,文件等),用尽,发表,发布(新闻),发出(光,热等),交出(票)
    • give out a sweet smell吐出芬芳
    • give out assignment布置作业
    • give out the examination papers分发试卷
    • give out the news宣布消息
    • give over放弃,递交,致力于,把精力花在…上
    • give over a mode of life放弃一种生活方式
    • give over a package to sb's keeping把包裹交某人保管
    • give oneself over to drinking纵酒
    • give up中止,屈服,引渡,放出
    • give oneself up to投降,自首,专心致志(于)
    • give oneself up to the police向警察局投案自首
    • give up a secret泄露秘密
    • give up all hope放弃一切希望
    • give up halfway半途而废
    • give up job辞去工作
    • give up life献出生命
    • give up one's arms缴械
    • give up school辍学
    • give up seat to sb把座位让给某人
    • give up smoking戒烟
    • give sb sth as a present给某人某物作为礼物
    • give cause for是…的原因,引起
    • give money for sth花钱买某物
    • give one's life for the country为国捐躯
    • give one's answers in English用英语回答
    • give one's daughter in marriage嫁女儿
    • give into通向(大街等)
    • give of one's best尽自己最大的努力
    • give on to the street(窗)正对着大街
    • give onto朝向,面对,开向,通向
    • give to给予,赠给,交付,委托
    • give colour to使…生色
    • give oneself to专心致力于,沾染上
    • give place to让位于
    • give tongue to one's doubts about说出对…有怀疑
    • give way to让位于,对…让步,给…让路,向…妥协
    • give wide berth to避免


    give oneself(为...)献身

    give up放弃;交出

    give out分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭

    give full play to充分发挥

    give in v. 屈服;让步;交上

    give aid to给…予帮助

    give or take增减……而无大变化;允许有小误差

    give it away[澳大利亚俚语]放弃;停止

    give of oneself牺牲自己的时间和精力;腾出时间和力量来帮助别人

    give one's attention to v. 注意

    give attention to考虑;注意;关心

    give away放弃;泄露;分发;出卖

    give advice劝告,忠告

    give off发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

    give it a try试一试

    give up on放弃;对…表示绝望;对…不再期待

    give me a call给我打电话

    give an example举例

    give it up放弃;鼓掌欢迎

    give me a hand帮我一下



    1. Would you please give me a piece of paper?
    2. He give me a box in which to keep the toy.
    3. He gives generously to the poor.
    4. I'm giving all my friends books for Christmas.
    5. He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.
    6. He is willing to stand in and give ten yuan to the funds.
    7. Can you give me any information on this matter?
    8. The sun gives us warmth and light.
    9. The bass was to give a concert in the park.
    10. I'm giving a dinner party next Friday evening; would you like to come?
    11. The branch began to give under his weight.
    1. This rope has too much give in it.
    2. There is no give in a stone floor.


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