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  • 莱蒂
  • Laetitia、Letita、Lettice等的昵称
  • 拉丁语
  • Letty Aronson 莱蒂•阿伦森:



The role of instrumental emotion regulation in the emotions-creativity link: how worries render neurotic individuals more creative
Academic English – Skills for Success 2e
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Decreases Mortality and Morbidity in Patients with Advanced HIV Disease
Driving speed and the risk of road crashes: A review
Actuators, transducers and motors based on giant magnetostrictive materials
Culture and Aesthetic Preference: Comparing the Attention to Context of East Asians and Americans
Problems encountered by individuals in animal translocations: Lessons from field studies
Advancing sustainable safety: National road safety outlook for The Netherlands for 2005–2020
Advancing Sustainable Safety. National Road Safety Outlook for 2005–2020
Motivation and Vision: An Analysis of Future L2 Self Images, Sensory Styles, and Imagery Capacity Across Two Target Languages