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  • n.

    增加量( increase的名词复数 );

  • v.

    增加,增大,增多( increase的第三人称单数 );增强,增进;[缝纫]放(针);增强

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 增加,增大,增多 make or become larger in amount or number
    1. [C][U]增加,增大,增多 a rise in amount, numbers, or degree



    • n.
      • a quantity that is added


      • a change resulting in an increase

        "the increase is scheduled for next month"

      • a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important

        "the increase in unemployment"


      • the amount by which something increases

        "they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare"


      • the act of increasing something

        "he gave me an increase in salary"


    • v.
      • become bigger or greater in amount

        "The amount of work increased"

      • make bigger or more

        "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • increase contacts加强交往
    • increase contradiction增加矛盾
    • increase efficiency of labour提高劳动效率
    • increase exports增加出口商品
    • increase imports增加进口商品
    • increase military expenditures增加军费
    • increase one's ability增长才干
    • increase one's alarm使…更加惊慌
    • increase one's conviction进一步证实
    • increase one's doubt使…增加疑心
    • increase one's effort更加努力
    • increase one's financial burden增加财务负担
    • increase one's happiness增加某人的幸福
    • increase one's knowledge增加知识
    • increase one's membership扩大人员数量
    • increase one's possessions增加财产
    • increase one's power扩大权力
    • increase one's prestige扩大声望
    • increase one's sense增加…的感觉
    • increase one's speed加快速度
    • increase price提高价格
    • increase production增加产量
    • increase productivity of labour提高劳动生产率
    • increase risk增加危险性
    • increase sb's uneasiness使某人更加不安
    • increase speed加速
    • increase standard of提高…水平
    • increase supply增加供应
    • increase tension加剧紧张局势
    • increase the anger使更加愤怒
    • increase the demand增加要求
    • increase the size扩大规模
    • increase daily日渐增长
    • increase fast迅速增长
    • increase abnormally不正常地增长
    • increase alarmingly惊人地增长
    • increase arbitrarily随意地增加
    • increase boundlessly无界限地扩大
    • increase commensurately成比例地增长
    • increase concomitantly附带地增长
    • increase constantly不断地增加
    • increase enormously极大地增加
    • increase gradually逐渐增加
    • increase greatly大大增加
    • increase grotesquely可笑地增长
    • increase infinitely无限扩大,无限增加
    • increase immediately立即增长
    • increase incessantly持续不断地增长
    • increase manifestly明显增加
    • increase notably值得注意地增长
    • increase noticeably明显地增长
    • increase partially部分增长
    • increase perceptibly显而易见地增加
    • increase proportionally成比例地增加
    • increase quickly迅速增长
    • increase rapidly快速增加
    • increase rationally合理地增长
    • increase reasonably合理地增长
    • increase relentlessly无情地扩大
    • increase remarkably显著增加
    • increase slightly略有增加
    • increase sporadically零星地增加,偶然增长
    • increase steadily稳步增长
    • increase stupendously惊人地增长
    • increase suddenly突然增加
    • increase temporarily暂时增长
    • increase by按…增长
    • increase from从…增加
    • increase in在…方面增加
    • increase in number数量上有所增加
    • increase in power权力增大
    • increase in value增值
    • increase to增加到
    • increase with随…增长
    用作名词 (n.)
    • bring about an increase使增加
    • call for an increase要求增加
    • cause an increase引起增长
    • demand an increase要求增加
    • get an increase得到增加
    • give an increase增加
    • have an increase得到增加
    • promote the increase促进
    • receive an increase得到增加
    • show an increase显示增长
    • stimulate an increase刺激增长
    • urge an increase迫切要求增加
    • abnormal increase非正常的增长
    • anticipated increase预期的增加
    • apparent increase明显的增长
    • considerable increase显著增长
    • continuous increase持续不断的增长
    • corresponding increase相应的增加
    • definite increase明显增长
    • enormous increase巨大的增长
    • fivefold increase增加五倍
    • goodly increase颇大的增长
    • gradual increase渐增,逐步增加
    • happy increase令人满意的增长
    • immoderate increase过分的增长
    • inevitable increase必然的增长
    • large increase大幅度增加
    • moderate increase适度增长
    • natural increase自然增长
    • prodigious increase不可思议的增长
    • productive increase生产扩大
    • progressive increase逐渐增长
    • qualitative increase质量上的提高
    • quantitative increase数量上的增加
    • relative increase相对增长
    • sharp increase剧增
    • sizable increase相当大的增加
    • slight increase略有增长
    • sporadic increase偶尔增长
    • startling increase惊人的增加
    • steady increase稳定的增长
    • subsequent increase随后的增加
    • substantial increase大量增加
    • sudden increase剧增,突然增加
    • ultimate increase最终增加
    • unexampled increase史无前例的增长
    • unprecedented increase前所未有的增长
    • yearly increase逐年增长
    • budget increases预算的增加
    • pay increases工资的增加
    • price increases物价的上涨
    • salary increases工资的增加
    • wage increases工资的增加
    • on the increase在增加
    • increase by natural growth自然增长
    • increase in在…方面的增长
    • increase in coal consumption煤消耗量的增加
    • increase in population人口的增加
    • increase in salary加薪
    • increase of production增产
    • increase of salary获得提薪


    increase in(使)在…增加;(使)在…增大

    increase production增产

    increase by增加了;按…增长

    price increase价格上涨;提价

    on the increase正在增加,正在增长

    increase efficiency提高效率

    population increase人口增长

    sharp increase急剧上升;飞涨

    steady increase稳定的增长

    capital increase增资

    increase speed加速

    increase in value价值的增长;涨价

    salary increase加薪

    volume increase增产;体积膨胀

    percentage increase增长百分率;增长的百分数

    fold increase成倍增加

    entropy increase熵增加

    increase in price涨价

    increase employment opportunities广开就业门路



    1. We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.
    2. Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.
    3. They have increased the price of petrol again.
    4. We must increase our output to meet demand.
    1. There was a steady increase in population.
    2. The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime.
    3. She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.
    4. Influence will increase along with economic heft.
    5. The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor.


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