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英 [ˌɪnsaɪ'teɪʃən]
美 [ˌɪnsaɪ'teɪʃən]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    incitation[ ,insai'teiʃən, -si't- ]

    • n.
      • something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action


      • an act of urging on or spurring on or rousing to action or instigating




    Female Incitation of Male Competition: A Mechanism in Sexual Selection
    Vocalizations by Alaskan moose: female incitation of male aggression
    Entre conseil et consigne: les gennes de l'incitation à l'action
    La question des frontieres de la firme. Incitation et coordination dans la firme reseau
    La question des frontières de la firme: Incitation et coordination dans la firme-réseau
    Black Grouse leks on ice: Female mate sampling by incitation of male competition?
    Entre incitation et coordination : repenser le rôle économique du brevet d'invention dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance
    L'intéressement en France : allégement du coût salarial ou incitation à l'effort ?
    Regulation of Seed Number and Female Incitation of Mate Competition by a pH-Dependent Proteinaceous Inhibitor of Pollen Grain Germin...
    Courtship variation in the neo‐tropical fiddler crab Uca deichmanni: Another example of female incitation to male competition?